pure natural essential oil

(citrus aurantium bergamia, citrus bergamia)

Bergamot oil has a mood-lifting and uplifting effect on the one hand and a calming and relaxing effect on the other. This combination helps with mental restlessness, sadness and concentration problems. You can look to the future with optimism.

Fragrance profile:

tart-sweet, lively-warm, citrusy-fresh

Aromatherapy effects:

stimulating, relaxing, anxiety-relieving


brightens the mood, gives sunny confidence

The diverse aromatherapy effects of bergamot

Are you struggling with yourself and the future? Bergamot gives you confidence in yourself and helps you to look positively into the future. The fragrance, which is reminiscent of the sun-drenched Tuscan countryside dotted with pines and cypresses, has an effect on the heart, mind and soul. Hectic and stress? Are history. Bergamot oil relieves anxiety and relaxes the nerves. It also has an antidepressant and balancing effect.

And: bergamot oil is a so-called flexible essential oil. This means that it adapts its properties to those of another essential oil in a fragrance blend and enhances them. Similar to a catalyst. Bergamot therefore enters into a particularly mood-enhancing fusion with other citrus fruits. In combination with lavender, it has a balancing effect. 

The essential oil of bergamot relieves tension

Bergamot brings light into dark days. The oil can stimulate both enkephalin production (enkephalin strengthens and brightens the mood) and serotonin production (serotonin calms and relaxes). This is effective against inner turmoil, stress and insomnia.

To do this, drizzle a few drops of the oil into a diffuser or fragrance lamp. This allows the aroma to gradually unfold in the room. Alternatively, a room spray gives you fragrant moments at the touch of a button. Just a few spritzes will immediately give your surroundings a personal touch and improve your well-being. 

In our fragrance blend Sonnenstund combines the effect of bergamot oil with the mood-lifting properties of other citrus fruits such as blood orange and lemon - a perfect symbiosis that strengthens the nerves and dispels any gloom. 

Use the pure fragrance blend in the aroma diffuser to scent your room, use the Sonnenstund fragrance as a clothing or pillow spray or wrap your room in the pleasant aroma of a Sonnenstund scented candle .

Origin of bergamot

Bergamot is a cross between bitter orange and lemon. Like the latter, it comes from Asia. Christopher Columbus is said to have brought it to southern Italy. Today, Calabria is considered the home of the citrus fruit and its oil. The climate and long periods of sunshine ensure good quality. The evergreen trees, which can grow up to five meters high, bear white, fragrant flowers in spring. The fruits ripen in the fall. Bergamot oil is produced from the peel. 

The extraction of bergamot essential oil

Bergamot oil is obtained by gently cold-pressing the unripe peel, which is harvested between November and March. The oil is yellowish to greenish in color and has a floral, sweet, fruity and slightly tart, oriental scent. This is why it is often used as a fragrance in perfumes. Short transportation routes and fast processing are important because they guarantee the high quality of the bergamot oil obtained. One liter of essential oil with a beneficial aromatherapy effect can be extracted from 200 kg of fruit peel.

Bergamot oil in Looops fragrances

Looops creates fragrance experiences that reinforce your connection with nature, wherever and whenever you are. We draw our inspiration from the beauty of the countryside around Salzburg. 

We believe in synergy: We enhance specific aromatherapy effects by combining a variety of essential oils. To help you navigate, we’ve classified our fragrances into five aromatherapy categories: relax, focus, balance, energy and joy.

If you are looking for the mood-lifting effect of lemon oils such as bergamot, we recommend our fragrance blend Sonnenstund. The combination with other citrus fragrances boosts this effect and gives you even more lightness and joie de vivre.


    Blood orange, bergamot, lemon and others.

    It has a citrus-fresh scent of blood orange, bergamot and lemon. It is refreshing in summer and lets us enjoy the lightness. In the darker months of the year, the fragrance blend provides a harmonious ray of hope. It strengthens the nerves and dispels negative thoughts.

    Rosemary, lavender, bergamot, etc.

    A spicy, warm fragrance - perfect for quiet hours. Together with the other essential oils, lavender and bergamot provide the longed-for balance. Perfect when you get home and it's already dark outside. 

    Lavender, peppermint, bergamot and others.

    Here, the name says it all: the fresh, flowery scent of alpine meadows transports you to lofty heights. To a place where life is easy. The bergamot oil supports the fragrance here with its refreshing, mood-lifting effect.

    Clary sage, lavender, bergamot, etc.

    A wonderfully fresh and floral fragrance that inspires and motivates. It boosts creativity and joie de vivre. The bergamot oil enhances the fragrance with its refreshing and stimulating component.

    Noble fir, vetiver, bergamot and others.

    This fragrance is a source of strength and brings calm. The warm, earthy aroma connects you with nature and with yourself. It awakens reserves of strength and gives self-confidence. Bergamot oil has a connecting and strengthening effect here.

Essential oil blends with bergamot

The tangy scent of lemon accompanies us in these all-natural essential oil blends. Sometimes as the main ingredient, sometimes to round off the fragrance and effect. Follow your intuition and use the oils as a room fragrance - according to your needs.

Complementary products with bergamot

In our manufactory, our essential oil blends are used to create many other orange-scented fragrance products that you can combine wonderfully with each other. Discover them here.

Good to know

Bergamot oil in skin care

Bergamot essential oil is an oil with a high ester content that not only calms the soul but also relaxes the body. It can also regulate sebum production and refine the complexion. However, do not apply it to the skin in its pure form - this can lead to skin damage. If it is an ingredient in lotions or creams, you should no longer expose the skin directly to the sun, as it makes the skin sensitive to UV radiation and can lead to skin irritation and unsightly spots.

Bergamot strengthens the immune system

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, bergamot soothes cold symptoms.

Bergamot oil gives tea a special aroma

In fact, the world-famous black Earl Grey tea owes its typical aroma to the addition of bergamot oil. 

Bergamot oil helps with smoking cessation

Do you want to stop smoking? Bergamot essential oil can support you and reduce cravings.