Natural scented candles with rosemary


Rosemary helps you to get going early in the morning. We use the essence of rosemary in our natural scented candles. In two finely balanced fragrance compositions. With a soothing aromatherapy effect.

Rosemary close-up

Fragrance profile:
spicy-fresh, intense-herbaceous, aromatic

Aromatherapy effect:
invigorating, vitalizing, strengthening

Areas of application:
Awakens your spirits, for your zest for action,
for increased self-confidence

Large scented candles with rosemary

Our natural scented candles with rosemary are handmade. Made from vegetable wax and 100% pure natural essential oils. With a stained oak lid.

Small scented candles with rosemary

They accompany you on invigorating breaks. To recharge your batteries. Or let you experience the joy of giving. To loved ones.

Looops Abendgold refill scented candle 250 g

Refill scented candles with rosemary

Your large scented candle with rosemary is available for refilling - to enjoy your favorite fragrance again and again.

Looops SET: Mußezeit scented candle + refill 250 g

Set: Large scented candle with rosemary + refill

So you can enjoy the invigorating scent of rosemary in our fragrance compositions for even longer. Use the discounted set of the large scented candle with a refill.

Our fragrances with rosemary

Your companion in small rituals. In which you gently set the mood with the pure natural aromas of rosemary. And lose yourself in candlelight.

The spicy-fresh scent of rosemary accompanies us in two fragrance blends. Once as the main ingredient and once to round off the fragrance and effect. This is because we rely on the synergy effect: the specific effect of aromatherapy is enhanced by combining different essential oils. And the fragrance becomes even more harmonious.

Are you looking for the classic revitalizing effect of rosemary? Then we recommend our fragrance blend Wildkräuter. Here, the effect of rosemary is combined with invigorating sage and energizing peppermint.

Looops Heimkehr scented candle 75 g
Looops Wildkräuter scented candle 250 g


Wildkräuter (Wild herbs)

This wonderfully fresh herbal fragrance is full of energy and joie de vivre. It strengthens and boosts your self-confidence. The essential rosemary oil enhances the vitalizing effect of the fragrance.


Heimkehr (Homecoming)

This spicy, warm fragrance is perfect for quiet hours. Rosemary in combination with lavender provides centering, new energy and balance.
Looops Wildkräuter scented candle 250 g
Looops Heimkehr scented candle 75 g

The invigorating aromatherapy effect of rosemary

Rosemary is one of the oldest known medicinal plants. Due to its cleansing effect, it was already known as a remedy in ancient times. As an essential oil in our natural scented candles, rosemary can calm and strengthen weak nerves. It can give you energy and increase your assertiveness. So you can start the day with energy.

Mediterranean Sea

Origin and cultivation of rosemary

Rosemary originally grows on sunny slopes around the Mediterranean. This is where the plant's name comes from. Ros marinus means "dew of the sea". The Romans believed that the dew that fell on the plants at night was responsible for the spicy scent. Today, the robust and intensely fragrant shrub, which can grow up to two meters high, is cultivated all over the world. A full sun location is important for it to thrive.

How rosemary oil is extracted for our scented candles

Rosemary oil is obtained by steam distillation from the needle-shaped leaves of the plant. They are harvested during or shortly after flowering. Around 50 to 80 kilograms of rosemary are needed for 1 liter of oil. Short transportation routes and rapid processing are particularly important as they guarantee the high quality of the rosemary oil obtained, which is ideal for soothing aromatherapy.

Powerful nature. Gentle effect.

We create fragrance experiences for your feel-good moments. We are inspired by the wonderful nature of Salzburg.

We rely on the synergy effect. Several essential oils are combined in a finely tuned way to fully exploit the aromatherapeutic effect. This also makes our fragrances even more harmonious and well-rounded.

We have introduced our guidance system to make it easier to find your way around. And divided our fragrances into the categories of relaxation, grounding, balance, energy and Joy categorized.

You will find the rosemary fragrance in Energy (Wildkräuter) and Balance (Heimkehr).

For your determination. For your strength. And your will. The spicy, fresh scent of rosemary gives you energy. And balance at the same time. For your inner center. Your favorite place.

Even more about rosemary

The different types of rosemary

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub and belongs to the labiate family. It grows in the Mediterranean region. The essential oils of rosemary vary according to location and subclimate in different forms, also known as chemotypes (ct.). Three different chemotypes are mainly used in aromatherapy, some of which differ considerably in terms of their ingredients and effects: We use rosemary officinalis in our essential fragrance blends, ct. cineole. There is also rosemary officinalis, ct. Camphor (or Borneon) and Rosemary officinalis, ct. Verbenone.

Rosemary essential oil promotes concentration and improves memory

Rosemary oil helps with concentration problems. A study by the British University of Northumbria found that people who had the scent of rosemary around them had up to 75 percent better memory performance than the control group.

Rosemary Ct. cineole helps with colds

Rosemary has a strong antibacterial and expectorant effect. The essential oil is therefore often used to treat colds of the respiratory tract. We use this chemotype in both of our fragrance blends.

How do you ensure the quality of the essential oils?

We source our essential oils from partners who are just as quality-conscious as we are. Every single delivery is accompanied by a certificate of analysis and is also carefully checked by us. Because one thing is clear to us: we only use selected, high-quality and undiluted essential oils. This is the only way for our fragrance blends to develop their beneficial aromatherapeutic effect.