Powerful nature. Gentle effect.

How you feel shapes your world. And how you shape it is how you feel. The essential fragrance blends from Looops are fine levers that you can use aromatherapeutically. A gentle nudge from one state of mind to another? Just follow your intuition. With our guidance system through the ethereal world, you will always find the right fragrance.



Find your balance. In a fast-paced world, discover harmony in tune with your natural rhythm.

Fragrances for balance



Keep your focus. Know what’s important. Tune in with nature, with yourself – and stay in the moment.

Fragrances for focus



Relax and let go. Take things as they come. Let everyday life fizz and buzz.

Fragrances for relaxation



For your drive. Gather inspiration and ideas. Recharge, get up and get going. Now you’re ready.

Fragrances for energy



Take it easy. Appreciate beauty and face life with a smile. It’s your time to shine.

Fragrances for joy

Aromatherapy - the beneficial effects of essential oils

Aromatherapy is not a new trend. For centuries, people have been harnessing the beneficial effects of plants. Remember grandma’s wonderfully fragrant lavender sachets? How falling asleep was so much easier?

Looops SET: Immergrün scented candle  + Refill 250 g

Every plant from which essential oils can be extracted has its own beneficial properties. Peppermint invigorates, providing new power and energy, while stone pine has a balancing effect, in tune with your senses. Our room fragrances are carefully blended and produce beneficial  aromatherapy effects. We have categorised our fragrances into 5 effects to make choices even easier:Balance, Relaxation, Grounding, Energy, Cheerfulness. Each fragrance gently moves you towards your desired state of mind.

Treasures of nature

Pure essential oils are believed to reveal the essence of a plant’s soul. Aromatherapy has been used for millennia, offering a wide range of benefits that can be experienced without being fully comprehended. Most essential oils are obtained via steam distillation of crushed plant parts. However, the yield is typically very low, only a fraction of a percent relative to the starting material. This scarcity makes pure essences extremely precious. Our sense of smell ensures these concentrated herbal powers create subtle connections between the body, mind, and soul. The fragrance of a single plant or a carefully crafted blend can not only set a mood and trigger memories, but also show us the essence of who we are.

Looops model smiling face dark hair

How aromatherapy scents can enhance well-being

The invigorating power of peppermint in our scented candles provides new energy. As if we were breathing in a thirst for action and breathing out fresh ideas. The calming scent of lavender candles gives us an instant sense of serenity. The balancing effect of natural room fragrances with Swiss stone pine and juniper brings balance to things that are out of kilter. The grounding feeling exuded by vetiver - this is where the nose wants to take root. The irresistible scent of candles with bergamot and orange, which exudes lightness and brightens the mood. Our senses shape our world. We see, hear and touch. But what moves us deep down is probably best understood through smell.

Good to know

What exactly are essential oils? How are they extracted?

Essential oils are potent natural substances extracted directly from various parts of plants, including blossoms, leaves, roots, branches, and citrus peels. They are extracted where the plants grow – dwarf pine oil from Tyrol, lemon oil from Italy. The most common methods of extraction are cold pressing for citrus oils, and steam distillation. During the extraction process, each precious drop of oil is separated from the herbal distillates. Both contain the beneficial effects of essential oils.  

How do our products generate aromatherapy benefits?

Breathe in and experience the beneficial effects of the pure essential oils in our products as the fragrances drift around the room.
Our scent spraysrelease their fragrances and unfold their benefits immediately, whatever the location. The scented candles create a cosy atmosphere as their fragrances and effects develop over time. Reed diffusers fill rooms with subtle scents for several weeks. Discover our pure essential oil blends designed especially for use in saunas and fragrance lamps. The easily-dosed Quint electric diffuser showcases these high-quality essential oil blends wonderfully

There are many uses for essential oils. Some promote well-being, while others boost the immune system.

When to use which fragrance blend?

Each of our fragrance compositions has its own effect. Bergluft With Swiss stone pine, juniper and lemon, for example, it clears the mind, invigorates and has a balancing effect. You will find each of these effects directly with the corresponding fragrance product. We have also divided all our fragrances into the five effect categories listed above to help you find your way around. 

Why do you use blends and not pure essential oils?

We rely on the synergy effect of pure natural essential oils. The effect of individual oils can be enhanced in combination with others. We also find that the fragrance becomes even more harmonious in the right combination. That is why we only use blends of 100% natural essential oils for our fragrance products.

How are your fragrances created?

We create our fragrances ourselves. Julia Schliefsteiner - our founder - has the fine nose in the house and the ideas for our fragrances. She is inspired by the beautiful Salzburg countryside with its forests, mountains and lakes. And from a wide range of experiences - since her childhood. We blend the pure essential oils according to our own fragrance recipes and allow them to mature for our products.

Do you have fig or berry-scented room fragrances? 

No, and for a very simple reason: Not every plant is suitable for the extraction of essential oil. Fig, lilac and fruit scents are produced purely artificially. They do not offer the benefits of aromatic and medicinal plants. As a result, they are not included in our selection.

What distinguishes aromatherapy room fragrances?

To ensure a room fragrance is genuinely suitable for aromatherapy, it must contain 100% pure essential oils. Only these pure extracts have the desired aromatherapy effect. Notably, not all labelled products, such as lavender oil, actually contain pure oil extracted directly from the plant. Some oils, known as perfume oils, may smell like lavender (or other plants) but have been synthetically produced in laboratories. If natural ingredients, such as wood shavings, are used for extraction, it is referred to as nature-identical oil. However, none of these artificially produced aromatic oils possess the same complexity, potency, and aromatherapy effects as oils derived directly from plants.