Natural room fragrance with juniper


The essential oil of juniper clarifies and revitalizes. The aromatherapeutic effect of juniper can be found in our pure natural essential oils and natural fragrance sticks and room sprays - finely balanced with complementary essential oils.

Fragrance profile:
spicy-fruity (juniper berry),
woody-spicy (juniper wood)

Aromatherapy effect:
uplifting, cleansing, mentally refreshing

Areas of application:
for more joie de vivre,
for a focus on the essentials,
more resilience, less stress,
better ability to concentrate

Natural essential oil with juniper

Our essential oils are 100% natural. With the uplifting aromatherapy effect of juniper for gentle mood journeys.

Enjoy these essential oil blends in aroma lamps or an aroma diffuser for room fragrancing.

Looops fragrance stick diffuser Immergrün with hand

Natural fragrance sticks with juniper

Natural room fragrance with the scent of juniper made from 100% pure natural essential oils. Discreet in the background - for long-lasting fragrance accents. Fills your rooms with the spicy scent of juniper. And creates a cozy atmosphere in your home.

Natural room spray with juniper

Natural room spray with juniper made from organic alcohol, 100% pure natural essential oils and their plant waters. Available in small (30 ml) and large (100 ml). Instantly radiates a feeling of well-being in your rooms. If you are looking for more mental clarity. And want to awaken your spirits.

Our fragrances with juniper

Your companion in small rituals. In which you gently change the mood with the pure natural aromas of juniper. And lose yourself in its fragrance.

You can find the spicy scent of juniper in three fragrance blends. Sometimes as the main ingredient, sometimes to round off the fragrance and effect. We rely on the synergy effect: by combining different essential oils, the specific effect of aromatherapy is enhanced. And the fragrance becomes even more harmonious.

Is the centering effect of juniper oil important to you? Then we recommend our fragrance blend Bergluft. Together with the invigorating and balancing stone pine, the fragrance helps you to focus on the essentials.

Looops scented candle Mussezeit with lavender in a lavender field
Looops Bergluft scented candle 75 g
Looops Wildkräuter scented candle 250 g


Bergluft (Mountain air)

This fresh, woody blend combines the scent of two very resilient woods - juniper and Swiss stone pine. It clears your head, relieves stress, gives you strength and confidence. And connects you more strongly with yourself and the world.


Wildkräuter (Wild herbs)

This wonderfully fresh herbal fragrance is full of energy and joie de vivre. It strengthens and boosts your self-confidence. The essential juniper wood oil enhances the vitalizing effect of the fragrance.


Mußezeit (Piece and quiet)

The fine scent of lavender with a fruity-sweet note of juniper berries. It gives you deep relaxation and promotes restful sleep. Juniper helps you to relax in stressful situations.
Looops Bergluft scented candle 75 g
Looops Wildkräuter scented candle 250 g
Looops scented candle Mussezeit with lavender in a lavender field

The uplifting aromatherapy effect of juniper

We value the essence of juniper in our fragrances above all for its clarifying and invigorating effect. The powerful aroma ensures clear thoughts and awakens your zest for life. It can help you escape from emotional lows and relieve nervous tension.

Juniper for a new zest for life

Free yourself from old patterns. Balance negative energies. Let emotions float away like clouds. Juniper berry oil helps you to let go of unpleasant feelings. They lose their power. You feel stronger. You have confidence. A new zest for life. You know again what is really important.

Fill up on positive energy by drizzling a few drops of juniper oil into a diffuser. The fragrance spreads through the room and releases energy. It's even quicker with our room spray. Just a few sprays will immediately give your surroundings a personal touch and increase your sense of well-being.

Origin of juniper

The evergreen juniper bush has always been a symbol of long life. Even today, it is still valued for its cleansing effect on body and mind.
Juniper is widespread throughout Europe - especially in the Alpine region. With its needle-shaped leaves, it belongs to the cypress family. It prefers poor soil and needs plenty of light to grow. It bears small, round fruits, which are actually cones. Because of their shape, however, we commonly call them berries. It takes up to three years for them to ripen and take on their dark color.

How juniper (berry) essential oil is produced

Juniper essential oil is gently extracted by steam distillation. The steam extracts the essential oils from the plant material. With all their variety of ingredients. As the liquid cools, a layer of pure essential oil forms on the resulting plant water.

The whole branches of the juniper bush are used for the woody, spicy juniper oil. Only the ripe, dark blue cones are used for the fruity, spicy juniper berry oil. Around 200 kg of berries are needed for 1 liter of valuable essential oil. 

Powerful nature. Gentle effect.

This is what makes our fragrances so special: the beneficial aromatherapeutic effect of essential oils. They all have different positive effects, which is why we rely on the synergy effect: several pure natural oils are combined in a finely tuned way to fully exploit the aromatherapeutic effect. This also makes our fragrances even more harmonious and well-rounded.

We have introduced our guidance system to make it easier to find your way around. And divided our fragrances into the categories of relaxation, grounding, balance, energy and Joy categorized.

You will find the scents of juniper in Balance (Bergluft), energy (Wildkräuter) and relaxation (Mußezeit).

The spicy scent of juniper cleanses. Revitalizes you. Makes you alert. Sharpens your eye for the essentials. You see clearly.

Even more about juniper

Juniper as a protective shield

It is no coincidence that juniper has always been said to have a protective effect. Scientific studies have shown that the aroma kills viruses, germs and bacteria. Lemon oil provides the additional hygiene factor. In a duet, they are therefore ideal for scenting hospital rooms or waiting rooms.

The different types of juniper oil

There are two types of juniper oil. On the one hand, it can be produced by steam distillation of the dried berries (juniper berry oil) and on the other hand, it can be distilled from the twigs with berries (juniper oil). While the mode of action hardly differs, the scent is perceived somewhat differently. If the essential oil comes purely from the berries, it smells more fruity. If, on the other hand, it comes from the twigs, the woody aroma takes center stage.

Juniper oil cleanses the body

Juniper oil not only cleanses the mind, but also the body. It stimulates digestion, promotes blood circulation and purifies. Due to its diuretic properties, it is also used to treat cystitis. It also has a disinfectant effect and relieves cramps.