Natural room fragrance with Swiss stone pine

(Pinus cembra)

Swiss stone pine oil brings you the scent of the mountains. The fresh, woody aromas of Swiss stone pine are contained in our fragrance Bergluft , finely balanced with the essences of juniper and lemon. You will find this invigorating fragrance blend in our natural room fragrances. With a soothing aromatherapy effect.

Fragrance profile:

Aromatherapy effect:
invigorating, balancing

Areas of application:
More self-confidence,
more assertiveness,
for restful sleep


Bergluft (Mountain air)

This fresh, woody blend combines the scent of two very resilient woods - juniper and Swiss stone pine. It clears your head, relieves stress and gives you strength and confidence. And it connects you more strongly with yourself and the world.
Looops Bergluft scented candle 75 g

The invigorating aromatherapy effect of Swiss stone pine

Swiss stone pine oil plays an important role in our fragrance manufactory. Its unmistakable woody-fresh fragrance gives you strength, recharges your energy reserves and leads you back to your inner peace.

The soothing fragrance also ensures a clear head. It helps you to improve the air in your rooms and promotes restful sleep. For our fragrance Bergluft we supplement the pure natural essence of Swiss stone pine with the fine aromas of juniper and lemon. Thanks to the composition of several essential oils, we can fully exploit the aromatherapeutic effect of all essences. For your clarity. And your balance.

Swiss stone pine oil for restful sleep

Swiss stone pine oil has a very positive influence on our sleep. The fresh, woody scent improves the air in your bedroom and is known for its sleep-promoting effect. Spray your pillow with a pillow spray in the evening. Or add a few drops of the essential oil to an aroma diffuser. This creates a calm and soothing atmosphere that allows you to find your inner peace and ensures a deep and restful sleep.

Origin of the stone pine

The Swiss stone pine, also known as stone pine, Swiss stone pine or Swiss stone pine, belongs to the pine family. It is native to altitudes above 1,000 meters in the western and southern Alps of Austria. The stone pine is known for its exceptional robustness: It can grow up to 25 meters high and can withstand extreme temperature fluctuations, from bitterly cold winters to scorching hot summer days. This extraordinary adaptability has earned it the title "Queen of the Alps" and makes its oil one of nature's most valuable treasures.

How Swiss stone pine oil is extracted for our room fragrance

Our pure natural oil is extracted from naturally grown Swiss stone pines in South Tyrol. Swiss stone pine wood and pine needles are collected in the wild during alpine pasture care. Steam distillation is then used to extract the 100% natural Swiss stone pine oil for our fragrances. This process is particularly gentle in order to preserve the valuable ingredients of the stone pine.

Short transportation routes and fast processing are also important. This enables us to guarantee the high quality of the essential oil. Every drop of pure oil is precious, because: It takes 100 kilos of needles, branches and twigs to produce 1 liter of oil.

Clears your head. Let the stress fall away. You connect more strongly with yourself and the world. But still stay with yourself. Thanks to the fresh, woody scent of Swiss stone pine.

Even more about the stone pine

Use of Swiss stone pine oil for colds

Swiss stone pine oil can make breathing easier, especially in the case of colds, as it has an expectorant effect. Thanks to its strong antibacterial and antiviral effect, it also kills bacteria and viruses. As a preventative measure, you can use Bergluft fragrance sticks in your rooms, especially during the cold season. When used in the bedroom during the cold season, Swiss stone pine has a double effect: it helps you to sleep restfully and, if you have a cold, you can breathe more easily.

Swiss stone pine essential oil purifies the air

Swiss stone pine oil can improve the indoor air in two ways. It not only masks bad odours, but can also neutralize them. It also improves the air quality as it can kill bacteria and viruses thanks to its antibacterial effect. We particularly recommend using pure essential oil in the aroma diffuser.

How do you ensure the quality of the essential oils?

Our essential oils are obtained from partners who share our commitment to quality. Each batch we receive is accompanied by an official analysis certificate and subjected to close scrutiny on arrival. We use only selected, high-quality, undiluted essential oils to guarantee the beneficial aromatherapy effects of our fragrance blends are retained.